The TED ethos is all about spreading great ideas, for the benefit of the whole world. TEDx is an international community that organises TED-style events celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage.
Advances in technology are changing everything about how we work, where we work, and why we work. In my talk at TEDxTelford, I shared how the organisations that will survive and thrive in the new age of enterprise, will be those who put Purpose before Profit.
I told the story of what happened when I lost sight of meaning in my own life, how my discoveries have changed the way I approach my own business, and how we can all implement these ideas to make a positive impact on the world.
You can watch the talk below. I hope you enjoy it and feel inspired to bring purpose into your own work, and to use the amazing exponential technologies available to multiply your impact.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about what I've said; you could email, Tweet, or Instagram your impressions to me; let's make a difference together!